An Information Systems audit evaluates an organisation’s information technology infrastructure, business software & applications, business processes, data use and management, policies, procedures, and operational processes against recognised standards or established guidelines.
Audits evaluate whether the controls to protect information technology assets for ensuring integrity and controls are aligned with organizational goals and objectives.
The objective is to ensure that systems are secure, reliable, and aligned with regulatory and operational requirements.

We will help your Organization with:
- Audit Planning: We begin with a pre-planning meeting to ensure that management’s expectations and our expectations are communicated before commencing the assignment. We will confirm our understanding of the engagement deadlines and ensure these are met timely.
- Risk Assessment and Business Process Analysis: Risk is the possibility of an act or event hurting the Organization and its information systems. Risk can also be the potential that a given threat will exploit vulnerabilities of an asset or group of assets to cause loss or damage to the support. A combination of effect and the likelihood of occurrence ordinarily measures it.
- Performance of Audit Work: As part of our extensive planning phase, the engagement team will discuss with Organization’s management and assess its information processing system, internal & external environment, significant events, and social factors to determine and document areas of risk. Once areas of risk have been identified, the following process will be to review the control environment.
- Social engineering: Our team will test your organization’s human defenses by tricking employees into giving up sensitive information or compromising security protocols. This will help you understand the human factor in your security posture and identify areas for improvement.
- Reporting: Work papers are reviewed throughout the audit by the EIC professionals. Before we leave your offices, the file will be substantially reviewed, and any issues will be discussed and resolved. Upon approval, we will issue drafts of all reports based on a predetermined schedule, allowing adequate time to review and distribute information.